The updateCells prop passed down from Table to Cell is responsible for rerendering all the cells in the table, and it’s triggered when a Cell changes its content.

This is because another Cell might reference ours in a formula, and multiple Cells could need to be updated because of a change in another Cell.

At the moment we’re blindly updating all cells, which is a lot of rerendering. Imagine a big table, and the amount of computation needed to rerender could be bad enough to cause some problems.

We need to do something: implement the shouldComponentUpdate() in Cell.

The Cell.shouldComponentUpdate() is key to avoiding performance penalties in re-rendering the whole table:


   * Performance lifesaver as the cell not touched by a change can
   * decide to avoid a rerender
  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    // Has a formula value? could be affected by any change. Update
    if (this.state.value !== '' &&
        this.state.value.slice(0, 1) === '=') {
      return true

    // Its own state values changed? Update
    // Its own value prop changed? Update
    if (nextState.value !== this.state.value ||
        nextState.editing !== this.state.editing ||
        nextState.selected !== this.state.selected ||
        nextProps.value !== this.props.value) {
      return true

    return false


What this method does is: if there is a value, and this value is a formula, yes we need to update as our formula might depend on some other cell value.

Then, we check if we’re editing this cell, in which case - yes, we need to update the component.

In all other cases, no we can leave this component as-is and not rerender it.

In short, we only update formula cells, and the cell being modified.

We could improve this by keeping a graph of formula dependencies that can trigger ad-hoc re-rendering of dependent cells of the one modified, which is an optimization that with large amounts of data can be a lifesaver, but it might even be causing delays itself, so I ended up with this basic implementation.

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