Let’s start up the project.

Like with the Pixel Art project, and the Bill Tracker app, we’re going to use create-react-app.

As usual, you are free to use it locally or use the web-based CodeSandbox environment.

While in the previous projects I used CodeSandbox as a reference environment, this time I use create-react-app locally. The full source code at the end of the project is available on GitHub: https://github.com/flaviocopes/react-ecommerce

This time, the project needs one major React library: React Router. It radically influences the codebase, and I suggest you to read my React Router introduction on the React Handbook or on my blog.

If you use CodeSandbox click Add Dependency in the project sidebar and search the react-router package.

Locally, install it using

npm install react-router-dom

Let’s start!

Go to the next lesson