Welcome! Thank you for being interested in the React Course.

This free preview contains one of the modules of the course.

The full course has a total of 6 modules. In each module we build a full applications, and the complexity gradually increases. The first is very basic, the second adds more stuff, and so on.

In this course I assume you start with zero React knowledge, nor knowledge of frontend frameworks.

The course however has a few prerequisites:

  • Familiarity with Web Technologies
  • Basic JavaScript Knowledge
  • Know how to use a Code editor

I will make these assumptions.

Also, I assume you gave a quick read to my React Handbook, available here. If you haven’t read it yet, now is a good time to do it.

I’ll explain all the complex things encountered during the course, to reiterate all the concepts.

It’s good to know at what stage you will be after completing the course: you will have a lot of React concepts in your hands, and you will also have your first React projects 100% working.

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